Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Growing Hair With Miconazole Nitrate

Now I know this is really random but that is me, Queen of Randomosity, but I'm doing this new treatment with my hair to grow it out really long. So I was told by someone that I could use Miconzale Nitrate in my hair and it would grow amazingly fast. Well I did my research and I found out that it worked for alot of women. They were using stuff like Neosporin AF and Monistat. But the active ingredient in all of that is the nitrate stuff. So I just ordered tube of that form the web. The women on the web said that the anitfungal cream eats the bacteria in your hair which causes your hair to grow super slow, and causes your hair to grow rapidly. One lady even reported her hair grew and inch in a month. So I figured why not? THe side effects are minor and not reported in every case. Some say they have headaches and others report crazy dreams, but the headaches aren't that bad. So we will see!

DAY ONE (3/3/08)- So I have had my hair trimmed and I have been wearing it out of the weave lately only applying heat to it once a week after I wash it. I jsut got my package in the mail with the nitrate and I plan to put it on tonight. Later... I put it on my hair and then rubbed grape seed and vitamin E oil in after I put it on just so that it dosent dry out my hair.

DAY TWO(3/4/08)- After yesterdays application I feel fine, my hair seems normal but very tingly. I have a slight headache but I don't know if that is from my lack of sleep or my selfcontious self adding my own side effects. You know how sometimes you hear something and you start to feel it just because your nervous about it any way? Well I'm not sure but it's nothing to bad. My hair dosen't feel dry or anything but my scalp feels very strange.... we'll see. My friend Big Booty Judy is going to take some pics right now just so we can see any differences in my weak spots and where my crown broke off.

DAY THREE(3/5/08)- Today was ok. My headache went away so I don't feel like it really came from the cream, just lack of sleep. I also still feel alittle bit of movement or tingling in my scalp, still could be my imagination lol. But I do feel something going on. I took some pictures today so hopefully I will be able to take some more. I think I will wait until after spring break to do so. So look for them. I know this might sound crazy but when I put my head against the wall while I was typing it felt really puffy, like its getting thicker. Now I just had a perm like two weeks ago so my roots shoudln't feel like that right?? LOL we will see.....

DAY FOUR(3/6/08)- THis day was normal, I applied the MN as nornmal and rapped my hair. I have found that my hair is alot less managable due to new growth. I haven't had a perm in about two weeks and this really isn't the norm. But I hope its because my hair is growing. I haven't seen a real big difference in length yet but I feel a difference.. Maybe when Iget a perm in a week it will be different.

DAY FIVE(3/7/08)- I washed my hair tonight and deep conditioned it just to make sure the MN dosen't dry out my hair. It felt really good to wash my hair because I felt alot of build up in my hair. But it feels alot better.

DAY SIX(3/8/08)- Nothing really happened today. Just applied as usual and try to let it do what it do.

DAY SEVEN(3/9/08)-Nothign really again today, but my hair is really becomming unmanagable. Like I really can't wrap it because when I take it down its dosen't do what it suppose to lol. Like I don't think its growing to much because my roots are still pretty straight since I had them straightened after I washed it. We will see. the one lady reported an inch after 10 days, but I don't think its that serious though.

DAY EIGHT(3/10/08)-Nothing much different today. I am running out so I had to order some more. When I run out of that I will get some neosporin AF becuase the shipping is getting really expensive. I'm starting to wonder if I wasted my money??

DAY NINE(3/11/08)-I didn't put in any in today. So I'm taking a break. My new shipment is taking a minute to come in so I'm trying to stretch this ish out lol. But I really feel like my hair is growing now. My scalp hurts so bad, well its jsut really sore. Maybe because i have been massaging alot lately trying to spread the MN around. But we will see... I think I have had like maybe 1/4or an inch. We will see I will get a perm again and then I will see how much my hair grows out of the perm.

DAY TEN(3/12/08)- I am going to put some in today. So we will see if the soreness goes away.

DAY ELEVEN (3/13/08)- The soreness went away and I gae myself a perm. My hair didn't take as well to the perm and I used all of it! I mean it did what it needed to do but I wish I would have left in a little more. But I am going ot start my mom on it tonight. Her hair is very very damaged. It does not grow at all so I think she will be the true test. I will start tellign youher results too!

DAY TWELVE(3/14/08/)- Ok so it is safe to get perm... my hair has not fallen out but I am going to stop putting MN in everyday because I wactually want my perm to last lol. But I will put some in and then wait for my new shipment to come... its coming soooooo sllloooowwww! lol but I think I am jsut going ot get some from CVS today or something.But I'll let you know!! An dits abotu to get hot SO I thik braids ar ein the very very near future lol.

DAY SEVENTEEN- I just bought some more MN I have been putting in the last three days so I'm being more consistant. I hop ethis starts working soon.

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